For those who haven't been following the Syrian rebellion, Syria's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Jihad Makdissi, revealed that Syria has chemical weapons and isn't afraid to use them against "external aggression." This has caused some worry in the international community, and sparked an interest in chemical and biological weapon defeat in the U.S.
With the threats coming in from Israel to attack in order to stop dangerous chemical weapons from getting into rebel hands, chemical weapons may be seeing use in the not-too-distant future. Since the threat, the U.S. Department of Defense has begun investing in devices that can be used to combat chemical and biological weapons.
With the tension growing in Syria as well as possible foreign intervention, both Russia and the U.S. have accused the other of supplying different sides while Israel has threatened to get directly involved, the threat of a larger conflict has been steadily growing. These contracts only further prove just how serious the conflict is being taken. Millions of dollars are being poured into developing better anti-chemical and biological weapon gear for U.S. soldiers.
Syria's chemical weapons are believed to not only have deadly nerve agents and mustard gas, but Syria is believed to have scud missiles to deliver these weapons from long distances. Is the U.S. preparing for a conflict to break out, or is it simply following the idea of expect the best, but prepare for the worst?
For more information on the contracts and devices being built, read the articles here and here.
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